Dyck Family

Dyck Family

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Update from Nelly

Here's that latest picture of Josiah, all puffed out from the steroids :)
Today went well. We got to the hospital around 8:30am, and they took blood to see how Josiah was doing. Everything was up from last week except for his hemoglobin, but it wasn't down enough to cause alarm.  He wasn't allowed to eat after midnight last night so he was really hungry and kept asking for spaghetti.  This week a few times he had spaghetti for breakfast, lunch, and supper! He wakes up in the morning and the first thing he says is "want noodles". :). They sedated him around noon, in order to take a bone marrow sample, and do a lumbar puncture to take out some of the spinal fluid to check if there is any leukimia in the spine and brain fluid.  They injected some chemo into the spine to protect against any leukemia cells that might have gotten in when they did the puncture.  They are going to call us with the results of the tests next week and if they don't see any more leukaemia cells, Josiah will continue with the protocol. However if there is still a trace of leukaemia cells, they will have to change his protocol accordingly. He is off steroids for a while now, so his eating habits and mood swings should start going back to normal.  His legs are still so sore that he won't walk but they say that now that he is off the steroids and the chemo treatments are less strong, they should start to get better as well.  Thank everyone for their prayers and support!


  1. Praying for little Joe and for you all! Love, Madeleine

  2. Praying for you throughout this difficult time. Glad to hear Josiah may have some 'normalcy' again, though!
    Heidi (& Shawn) St.Clair
