Dyck Family

Dyck Family

Friday, 21 February 2014

Josiah's Appointment Today

Josiah had an appointment at the children's hospital at 8:30am this morning. When he arrived he was a little irritable with both the nurses and doctors. He seems to be able to tell that they are up to things that will be painful. However after a while he became more comfortable with everyone. They gave him another dose of Chemotherapy today, and also they gave him another blood transfusion, because both his hemoglobin and white blood counts were lower than they need to be.   Due to the steroids that he is taking, he has strong cravings for certain foods. So today he began asking for pizza at 9:30 am. His wish was granted him by supper time :).  He goes in for another treatment next Friday.
Thank-you for your prayers.
James &Nelly


  1. So good to read your updates! I am praying for little Josiah and for you dear parents as you weather this tough storm together! Holding you up before the throne of God's Grace! Love & hugs to you all! ~ Brenda Shelley

  2. It is tough on the little ones. and on the parents. We continue to pray for you all.

  3. thank you all for your prayers. nelly

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